Professional Reports
Utilities and Transportation Commission, Open Meeting Memo
As a Regulatory Analyst for the Utilities and Transportation Commission (UTC), I regularly authored memorandums to the UTC Commissioners summarizing my evaluation of an electric or gas utility's compliance with relevant policies and standards. These memos communicate complex issues identified during analysis, summarize any stakeholder controversy, explain potential impacts to ratepayers, and recommend Commission action. This is a copy of a recent, publicly available memo.
Climate Resilience Assessment
I co-authored an award-winning climate change resilience assessment for Seattle Children’s Hospital that defined the most imminent climate change hazards and identified 34 vulnerabilities for investment through interviews and case studies. My contributions included the design of the methodology, case study development, interviewing, data analysis, synthesis of results, conclusion, and literature review research on current resilience policy in WA. Please contact me for access to this report.
Quantifying Microplastics in Yaquina Bay North and South Ocean Dredge Material Disposal Sites
As a Graduate Research Assistant for Julie Masura, a Senior Lecturer at UW Tacoma, I processed samples of ocean dredge material disposal site sediments from the EPA and US Coast Guard to quantify microplastics, total organic content, and median grain size. I authored this report to summarize my findings.
PSP's Toxics in Fish Vital Sign: Base Program Analysis
I co-authored this Base Program Analysis as a Policy Intern with the Puget Sound Institute which supports the Puget Sound Partnership's implementation strategy development to address Puget Sound vital signs. My contributions included designing the structure and organization of the report, analysis of current legal frameworks, and evaluation of the PSP's toxic prevention strategies.
Conditions Impacting Salmonid Migration, Success, and Passage
The Scott River Valley Watershed Council in California asked me and a team of classmates to produce a literature review evaluating the conditions that stimulate salmonids to migrate, impede their passage, and determine their success or failure in migration, with a specific focus on the Scott River Watershed. This work informed their salmon stock management strategies in the watershed. My contributions included the review of oceanic conditions as indicators of salmon migration and success.
Examining Key Recommendations of the Secretariat of the Pacific Regional Environment Programme's 2015 Ocean Acidification Vulnerability Assessment
Having recently joined the Ocean Acidification (OA) Alliance, the Secretariat of the Pacific Regional Environment Programme asked me and a team of classmates to answer six questions to help them craft their Ocean Acidification Action Plan (OAAP). We answered those questions in this report and drafted their Ocean Acidification Action Toolkit for their OAAP. My contributions included research on stressors in the region that compound ocean acidification, an evaluation of implementation obstacles and opportunities, and preparation of the toolkit.
Financial Statement Analysis of WA Fire Districts
WA's State Auditor's Office (SAO) recently launched the Financial Intelligence Tool (FIT) platform. While the SAO has transformed the quality of information reported, the State and its local governments needed to understand their financial position relative to peers or other governments in the region. We were asked to analyze and report on the financial position of fire districts in the state of WA. My contributions included the statistical analysis of the data from the FIT platform and the assessment of fire districts' financial position.